
even if the cards in this promo were good, it is still dogsh*t

nothing fun about this promo as compared to years past.  probably not a good time to drop the worst promo of the year and somehow worse than ultimate kickoff.  back to pubg


Quote from Nikelz81 >> I made Barr for 290k. I’m ok with that

 u made a nat 90 for 290k and ur cool with that?  OK, mabye u just like being kicked in the nuts


I made Barr for 290k. I’m ok with that


FAX! I thought the cauldron challenge would give you a guaranteed material choice for either Thomas, Vea, or Barr..... but instead i find out you have to BE LUCKY and pull the material from playing the solo! Played the solo all 10 times for 3 stars and got "20 bats" 27 times & "50 bats" for the last 3! 

Really poor execution for this promo..... the addition of materials makes no sense, the solo challenges give you very little for the time spent, & in order to get a (Thomas, Vea, or Barr) you have to get lucky and pull all the pieces or buy them for 5x the price SMH! 

And this is only the first part of the promo LOL..... thank god call of duty comes out next week!


nothing fun about this promo as compared to years past.  probably not a good time to drop the worst promo of the year and somehow worse than ultimate kickoff.  back to pubg