overall I built him and sold him 17 times..I would do the set and would sell the 93 and powerup..then I would quicksell the NAT 92s into bats..67500 altogether..buy 2 88s mf and quicksell for bats leaving me with enough bats for 2 auctionable 92s. I would buy whichever one I didn’t pull(the 3rd) off the auction to eliminate the possibility of pulling a dupe build the set again rinse and repeat..
i started the day at 1.3 million I ended at 2.2 plus added ray the 3 nats Saquon+powerup and 91Dawkins
Just figured I’d share to open peoples eyes on ways to make coin and In case anyone wanted to give it a shot the profits are much smaller now with ray being so cheap but when I was doing it I was making 100k+ every time I did it
overall I built him and sold him 17 times..I would do the set and would sell the 93 and powerup..then I would quicksell the NAT 92s into bats..67500 altogether..buy 2 88s mf and quicksell for bats leaving me with enough bats for 2 auctionable 92s. I would buy whichever one I didn’t pull(the 3rd) off the auction to eliminate the possibility of pulling a dupe build the set again rinse and repeat..
i started the day at 1.3 million I ended at 2.2 plus added ray the 3 nats Saquon+powerup and 91Dawkins
Just figured I’d share to open peoples eyes on ways to make coin and In case anyone wanted to give it a shot the profits are much smaller now with ray being so cheap but when I was doing it I was making 100k+ every time I did it