See what I mean, is EA out of their mind with this 83 Bosa??
You have got to be kidding me. Whats the problem. Why do RP program next year.
Quote from purecokain >> Remember when scary fast was actually the fastest cards. Remember when mut heroes had super powers and it was one stat super high and actually let certain cards stand out.
smh mut has fallen hard
Sometimes I think if they just totally repeat some of the old promo content I would be more happy with the game. Just repeat any last 4 years Most Feared right now would be better. Some with most promos.
We get less, and they want us to PAY MORE.
Quote from bbigg44 >> I don't know. I think the content has been fine. The game itself blows.
I must say I enjoy the game pretty much. Completely missed out on M19 so can't judge if it's better or worse but without much effort I was able to get a pretty good squad, as there are tons of ways to make coins. I agree that MF has been underwhelming so far, but with the TP most of us got we can all get Lewis cheap or even for free which is great. As for the gameplay there have always been plays that were OP, for as long as I can remember as people always try to exploit flaws in the gameplay in order to win. I can see no way for EA to stop this to be honest so we just have to deal with it and find ways to counter such plays.
I'm not gonna say that the game ist perfect as there are A LOT of things to complain about but still, as I said, I enjoy it and can't say that I have less fun or more to complain that with M18, or older versions.
The promo didn’t start off hot, but the promo isn’t over. Part 2 may bring in some 🔥
There are a ton of players that go well with budget teams.
So far with the TP refund, I’ve made a killing off this promo and was able to grab ray!
They have been giving set cards back as NAT for a couple years now on a few promos.
It still does not take away we have the lowest Overall master in Most Feared history.
M17 Most Feared was the last promo that kicked ass. The style of the game. The crap NAT's and the microtransactions all came to the forefront of what Madden is today after that promo ended. 94 Urlacher. Pat Pete, DRC, Suggs, Hopkins. Jamal Charles, Jordan Reed, Collins, Kam and Derrick Henry were the big names I thought of off the top of my heads and a few more... PROMO chemistry. Loved that card art.
You never got bored. The Earl Thomas Journey and monthly.. yes.. lets not forget monthly gauntlets were recent releases close to the same time. You probably was able to earn over 200k in coins on those 3 promos before pulling packs in just solo coin alone. Meanwhile, now we so far have gotten 10 solos on MF, but EA justifies that by making people play the cauldron 10x for a halfway good shot at anything.
Its been alright so far. The worst was 19. 20 is still 10x better than last year.
While most rage the first half of most feared been fire for me. Upgraded ET3 and ray much welcomed additions to the squad. Ray is always one of my end game mlb’s and ET3 will be my end.gane backup fs to Sean Taylor when he drops. Hope they drop hill or wr megatron next.
Quote from HURCULESC130 >> Quote from WarpedChewie >> Quote from DrussisGOAT >>
Remember when scary fast was actually the fastest cards. Remember when mut heroes had super powers and it was one stat super high and actually let certain cards stand out.
smh mut has fallen hard
It’s weak, but also it’s just the first week. You know they drag this crap out.
Quote from tlakes20 >> Once you let go and stay off of it for awhile you realize you don’t miss it. I played last years Madden until about the end of October and I was done. This is the first year I have not bought Madden. I don’t even recognize it anymore. I played MUT since Madden 12 I’m just glad I got to see it at its peak in 12 and 13. Hope their greed gets them one day.
Curious as to why you are still on this forum then
Quote from DrussisGOAT >> I think it’s a great promo and if you do the Ray set you get all 3 92’s back which is awesome
True unless they take your MF Ray Lewis and other players. Check out my thread. And since it’s a weekend nobody gonna give a single damn.
I am about to quit. My experience with the cauldren is this. Play three games the night it released (australian time) my defence works. The next morning that defence no longer works, so I find another one, still end up going 5-5. ok this morning, my new defence no longer works, and worse they just cheated i tackled a guy down, totally downed. He just stood up and walked into the endzone. (right after a bs catch on a pass deflection in the endzone the game before). 0-3 on a defence that worked fine last night. I think i am done. The promos are getting less and less balance to them, all about money spenders and what little crap they give the NMS is being gated behind cheating animations, and cheating against your defence.
Quote from Dreverse >> But what about bazooka and throwing a 80 yard pass ?
or the philly special? ca mon they switched the score board
what are ya talking about ? Worst MUT ?
I must say... I see a lot of people bashing your threads but I kind of have to agree with you man. How many times can you get kicked in the nads before you say “this s*** sucks”
You know what, this is the first time in like 5 years that I have actually be fed up with MUT.
Worst Most Feared ever
The players selection has little imagination at all, and most don't fit the theme they put them into. Just think back for a minute how in past years it was so worth the wait. I don't even want any of the cards so far. Maybe Lewis.
In past years it was more worth it when they gave a Most feared Chem. They just toss us any trash and call it a PROMO :x