
Lets talk about Hero Ramsey

Think its safe to say he was the most sought after card of this promo  Took him as one of my NATs and could not have imagined to be that disappointed  His performance alone made me wonder if they did something to man coverage - Trufant is great tho so it has to be Ramsey

How is HE always the one to gett beat in man to man ? One of those cases where the performance of a current high end card cant meet expectations


If you looked at the stats you would have seen how he won't play well.  You have to look at everything besides spd and coverage stats.  Look at jump, agi, acc, catch, catch in traffic, pursuit.

Unless you play strictly man to man, Xavian Howard is the best hero CB.


Quote from futhead_SweatyWieber >> It’s his agility. I have man up and if they run a slant or in route it’s one thing that my guy might get burned, but the receivers legit get 5 feet of separation from my man-up Ramsey because his agility is so trash I really regret not taking Adams instead 

 Damn I was hoping man up would help. Smh


His low agility is what's bad. Otherwise really good card


I've noticed he seems to get beat in solo battles a lot which I use man for but not in H2H. Overall I'd still say I like Slay better.


I’m pretty balanced between man and zone and he’s been very good for me

It’s his agility. I have man up and if they run a slant or in route it’s one thing that my guy might get burned, but the receivers legit get 5 feet of separation from my man-up Ramsey because his agility is so trash I really regret not taking Adams instead


He has been absolutely Lock Down for me.


He's been ok for me, some games he makes plays that make me say wow, that's why i got him. Other games, he just doesn't contend on plays i feel like he should. All in all, not bad, just not quite as menacing as his attributes look.


He’s trash for me as well but him as my NAT so I have to keep him


Try adding shaker or another physical chem that won’t take away his agility. I bet most of the people complaining are using Brawler


he’s aighhtttt, ty law surprisingly has been balling out for me lately when he used to get beat consistently, PU deion is my best man cb cant wait to get his full card next week


Has great stats but doesn’t play like it. I got champ, Ramsey and Sherman as my starting 3 cb’s. Despite Sherman’s speed, I got max sprinter it helps, he’s by far been my biggest playmaker followed by champ. Ramsey is getting booted to the 4th spot this Friday when I get my free primetime lol


Dude has been great for me. He isn’t going to be lockdown every single play but most of the time, he will be in the right position for a interception or knockdown. 

Its a chess game, you gotta put your cbs in positions where they can be successful. If you expect to go into a coverage and have Ramsey shut down every play, you should lower those expectations.


Have him PU all the way and he’s been showing up for me.


He plays great for me with no abilities or any speed upgrades (i dont use sprinter ect). He does get beat off the press so ive resorted to just clicking on him pre snap and dragging him back a step or two if im pressing. Im happy with him overall.


Quote from jcsteel66 >> If you play man too often, every player will get beat.  Are you pressing?  Are you shading to guard against slants or outs/corners?  Are you getting beat by wheel routes and/or motion slants?

My Ramsey is playing very well, and I use him in a mix of man and zone coverage.



Ramsey is great for me in zone. Can’t sit back and call man and expect him to lock up every play.  If I see man I’m dialing up motions and man beating routes


Surprisingly he gets beat on press all the damn time.. most disappointing CB on my team.


never had one issue w ramsey. he nice on my team.

trufant got to go though... calling willie b back up. yo willie.....


I think it’s the agility.