
89-90 Exchange Set for Series 3

Do you guys think it’ll be 2 or 3 89-90s for the set.

At this time, 3 would cost about 340k  in the best case scenario and given the price points for 91s and 92s it doesn’t seem like a good investment.

interested in the communities thoughts.


3 for sure. Only good for converting NATs to training.



EA isn't letting go of the pedal


3 for sure.

i have nat 89 ertz and this promos free nat 90 that will be going into it immediately

Do you guys think it’ll be 2 or 3 89-90s for the set.

At this time, 3 would cost about 340k  in the best case scenario and given the price points for 91s and 92s it doesn’t seem like a good investment.

interested in the communities thoughts.