
First John Henderson.. Now Ty Law

Wtf is EA doing with recycled legends... Also an O-lineman in Gene Upshaw after we got a D-lineman and FB last week? and Larry Little the week (or 2 weeks) before?


EA is lazy


Quote from BeaSTx24MoDExWP >> Upshaw? Oh I'll most def take that! Been waiting for my raiders to get an oline upgrade for the longest!

 This! Love Gene


Yeah with how much recycling going on I am getting seriously concerned that Franco Harris won't be in MUT this year. At least if he does get a Legend it will be a 92 or 93.

Hopefully if they don't give him one they give him a promo master at some point, I'm gonna be angry if the Seahawks don't get a single FB card this year, especially considering they have one.


Quote from nicksr84 >> Quote from Ballsy >> this means the other captains must get new cards which is even dumber. 

 Except for shazier.

This company doesn't Care or they're just clueless

 Watch him get a legend card too


Won’t have any complaints if they drop a new Sehorn or Donald Driver. 😂


I don’t the like that they dropped law. Wish it was something new.


I think we're getting a recycled legend every week from here on out. They dropped so many with the theme diamonds that it just makes sense to get their upgrades in motion.


Little.. Upshaw...

If we're going to flood LG's can I at least get McDaniel and Hutch? Then the interior of my Vikes OL can be set and I can move Matthews/Decastro OOP to my LT/RT spots.


What about the people that couldn’t get a team captain upgrade token during UK? Or will miss out on MF solos, which have another captain upgrade token?

I see what they are doing. I don’t like it, but it is what it is. Ea gonna Ea. You’d think we would be used to it by now.


Ea is a psycho path and now I know I need to take Shazier


I rock a chiefs theme team and definitely need ty law on the squad and with a plus 1 overall with the legend law fully powered up I may just sit my team captain on the bench until thanksgiving promo


Quote from JordanF0705 >> Quote from Juicy_J_8787 >> I must be getting old when I can’t even understand what the complaints are anymore......

 complaint here is that the legend this week is Ty Law and he already has a team captain card with the same exact overall... 

 With the power up ty law will be 93 overall vs the team captain who is 92 overall. If ea doesn’t screw us over at least make it so we can add team captain Ty law to the power up to get him to a 93, if not team captain ty law wouldn’t get another team captain token until thanksgiving promo which would essentially make him even with the powered up legend then and wouldn’t surpass him until he gets the team captain token during Christmas.


I'm lost as why Henderson who already had an 89 instead of any of the lower over team diamonds got one.   Now a team captain as well but theres no way Shaizer gets one.  It's just mind boggling.


EA sucks balls, this should be no surprise.


Quote from nicksr84 >> Quote from Ballsy >> this means the other captains must get new cards which is even dumber. 

 Except for shazier.

This company doesn't Care or they're just clueless

 They stated from the beginning they all would get other cards other than shazier.


I was pretty happy that John Henderson got an upgrade  because it means other Team Diamonds should get upgrades throughout the year,  Tuggle is my favorite player of all time and Freeney has been a beast for me.


Only benefit for new legends is one is a raider for theme team


Same here. Currently have boss card LG Bruce Matthews. I guess I’ll auction and pick up Gene


Upshaw? Oh I'll most def take that! Been waiting for my raiders to get an oline upgrade for the longest!


Lol no prob