
Slot-O-Matic vs Grab-N-Go vs Juke Box?

I've got Lockett all powered up and he's the highest OVR and fastest dude on the team so I gotta try abilities on him. For T1 and T2 I'm probably going to try Return Man and Streak or Slant Specialist, but can't decide between these three T3 abilities.

He's in my slot so he'll be able to use the Slot-O-Matic quite a bit, but if Grab-N-Go eliminates those slow RAC animations then I could see that being good. Juke Box would help on both O and KR though and the extra yards would be nice. What's the move?


Test out OBJ in practice mode and see how you like grab n go.. throw some late drags to him where you would normally not be able to turn upfield inbounds etc.


Meanwhile, I’ve yet to choose between Moss/Deion 😝


Slot o matic didn't do shitttttttt for me with t.o. or Torry holt


I saw no improvement in my Captain Moore with SlotOmatic.


Quote from Blooace2 >> Grab and go is killer on moss because on those plays where you would normally go out of bounds you can just turn it up field

 Thanks for sharing this I was putting abalities on moss and was wondering why grab and go was more tp then slot o matic but that sounds op


Definitely slotomatic, the separation it creates is amazing


Grab N Go is deadly. I have it on both Moss and Randle El. Both are streak specialists, and Randle El has slant specialist. If you press him you must have help over the top and inside or it's a potential big play because of Grab N Go combined with the Route specialization.


Quote from robskins21 >> Quote from Blooace2 >> Grab and go is killer on moss because on those plays where you would normally go out of bounds you can just turn it up field

 That makes sense.  I was just looking at it for WR screens, but I never thought about it for sideline catches.  I’ll have to check those out

 It makes flag route already that much deadlier and honestly it makes post routes and slant routes deadlier because you can cut it up field so quick last night it helped me turn a 8 yard slant into a 20 yard TD


Quote from Blooace2 >> Grab and go is killer on moss because on those plays where you would normally go out of bounds you can just turn it up field

 That makes sense.  I was just looking at it for WR screens, but I never thought about it for sideline catches.  I’ll have to check those out


Grab and go is killer on moss because on those plays where you would normally go out of bounds you can just turn it up field


Quote from PK67 >> That title sounds like we should be at a stripper bar instead of a video football game.

Lol ayyyy! Quote from robskins21 >> I put grab and go on Randle El and haven’t noticed much of a difference.  I was hoping it would speed up those god awful screen catch animations and help him turn up field faster, but it really doesn’t.


Juke box


Quote from PK67 >> That title sounds like we should be at a stripper bar instead of a video football game.



I put grab and go on Randle El and haven’t noticed much of a difference.  I was hoping it would speed up those god awful screen catch animations and help him turn up field faster, but it really doesn’t.


Quote from PK67 >> That title sounds like we should be at a stripper bar instead of a video football game.



That title sounds like we should be at a stripper bar instead of a video football game.


I've got Lockett all powered up and he's the highest OVR and fastest dude on the team so I gotta try abilities on him. For T1 and T2 I'm probably going to try Return Man and Streak or Slant Specialist, but can't decide between these three T3 abilities.

He's in my slot so he'll be able to use the Slot-O-Matic quite a bit, but if Grab-N-Go eliminates those slow RAC animations then I could see that being good. Juke Box would help on both O and KR though and the extra yards would be nice. What's the move?