I bought 10 tyreek hill for under 30k each. Hoping his upgrade comes out soon and his base elite goes back up to 50k. Nice little 200k profit if all goes as planned. If not not a big deal. Only invested 250k
potential big crash tmrw if they adjust the pack odds for legend packs like the last series update
I think (hope) you're right.
I'm not putting anything on the AH right now. Guessing there will be a lull between the MF and TG promos.
I think this will be true for the MF 92 cards as well..you can make around 30-40k profit of those by next week
I was contemplating buying a few of them, but I just bought one for now. Probably would be smart to buy a handful of them if you can afford it as he is basically a better Kurt Warner and Kurt is a consistent 400-500k card. Not sure if Manning with ever get that high, but I could definitely see him getting into the high 300s in a week or two just based on training prices alone.
yeah i think this is pretty true. I blew 800k on various MF stuff and am down to about 200 hoping to make some coin early next week
Price below 300k on PS4.
Im betting that the price goes up to about 375-400k by next Wednesday so you can make an easy 50-80k per card here.
First, as I am sure the smart MUT players already know, people are buying and quick selling for training. This is a good thing since making Manning is no longer cost effective so there are a limited number out there and a very limited number of 93 overall cards out there so it doesn’t take a genius to figure that prices will go up after the weekend.
Second, 20 Coin to TP conversion rate will not last. There are not last because right now the highest card you can pull from packs that is non LTD is a 92...so the more quick selling, the less cards, the more demand.
I’ll be throwing my whole 3 mil at him, wish me luck men!