
Weekend league is going to be a runfest on steroids!

I want to continue playing but after last night I am in no rush (no pun intended) to face these RB's. I have no choice now but to switch up my team and get me one of these dudes. Jim Browns gonna run wild today. I'll get him after10:30 when the price drops to 500k.

I'll see you guys on the field.

Mano a Mano mofos!

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I'm glad I was halfway through WL before these cards were released...  I think I was 9-3... finished up at my usual 15-10.  So not really different than any other week. 

Almost as soon as they came out, I was using the tandem of Barry and ED... but I'm not a big runner.  I did manage to break off more than a few long TD runs... and I think that got me out of my game which is usually to look for deep passing plays based on whatever tendencies I see my opponent calling on defense.

My most fun game was against a guy using Barry or ED every play in Wildcat!  I ended up winning a shootout... but it was a tough game where I had to pay close attention every down.


I honestly just played a guy with Dickerson Emmit and Barry all powered up 🦚🗑


I run read option with 95 OVR 92 Speed Vick and 96 OVR 97 Speed Dickerson. It’s so much fun haha


It was frustrating but I stopped Dickerson after he scored 2 long touchdowns when he was hit three times in the backfield eventually


Yeah the blocking is insane this year


Got my card. Let's try it.


Last night i went against a guy with a fully powered up Barry and Brown. It was cancerous.


Quote from tribe585 >> Quote from Ballsy >> The run game was getting me aggravated yesterday. Then EA’s like HAHA HERES 4 GOATS 

 It was never a huge issue for me. I could stop it most of the time but today is gonna piss me off. I just know it.

 Hopefully LBs or DL come next week. Lol


Quote from Ballsy >> The run game was getting me aggravated yesterday. Then EA’s like HAHA HERES 4 GOATS 

 It was never a huge issue for me. I could stop it most of the time but today is gonna piss me off. I just know it.


First Barry I played had 65 yrds total. Opponent was force feeding him and too stubborn to stop running.  Will probably still get 3 secure tacklers for rest of the WL or 2 ST and 1 Enforcer 

These cards are a bad bad idea - especially releasing them with no counterpart to them.


The run game was getting me aggravated yesterday. Then EA’s like HAHA HERES 4 GOATS