
Ok I need help.

I run a redskins theme team and been using Kirk Cousins for a while now. But his 82 throw power costs me alot of games. I just lost a WL game due to this and hence why I'm making this post. It's time for a qb change. And I wanted some suggestions from you guys. I dont need a top tier qb like luck or vick or anything. Just somebody to hold me until McNabb gets released or a RG3 throwback card comes or something lol. I been looking at David carr. Who do you guys suggest?


You can always use Warner and keep your theme too


Aikman, if you can get him fully powered up you can get him pocket deadeye and hot route master


Quote from Ballsy >> :peypey:

 Peyyytttttooooonnnnnnn (soulja boy voice)


Quote from bamarover15 >> If possible, upgrade your stadium, coach and uniforms to Redskins passing. This should significantly upgrade his throw power. I think Go Deep does the same thing

 I have that upgraded but on balance O for the +1 speed.


Doug Williams


Quote from Quickwig >> What kind of budget are you working with?

 I have about 200k to work with.




If possible, upgrade your stadium, coach and uniforms to Redskins passing. This should significantly upgrade his throw power. I think Go Deep does the same thing


What kind of budget are you working with?