To all the crybabies with the half back 100 X factor
You guys have to realize that they haven’t been showcasing really x factors so this is a great way to get people back to the game ( maybe )and you have to also realize that they’re going to have X factors on defense players and offense in the next 6 weeks . so stop crying And hit the lab or go to another mode this is what this year is about —-XFACTORS so far it’s been all about abilities and another thing —-freight train isn’t that OP in the first place it says “chance “ to break tackles not going to break tackle everytime
You guys have to realize that they haven’t been showcasing really x factors so this is a great way to get people back to the game ( maybe )and you have to also realize that they’re going to have X factors on defense players and offense in the next 6 weeks . so stop crying And hit the lab or go to another mode this is what this year is about —-XFACTORS so far it’s been all about abilities and another thing —-freight train isn’t that OP in the first place it says “chance “ to break tackles not going to break tackle everytime