
Watch out for "AMaddenTryHard"

Guy just messaged me on PS4 telling me that he just got a kid and wanted to give away his team and coins. Asked me to send a pic of my squad to see on which positions I could use some new players so I did (nothing else on the picture, only the team). He replied with pictures of "his" team, stacked af with the best cards available, even at 2nd and 3rd string and also sent some pictures of cards that he said he bought from others (lower ovr bought for 1 mil). He said I should list a card for 4 mil buy now, so I listed some silver player. He sent me a pic of my card on the AH to confirm and after that he told me to sell my entire team and send him pics and said he'd come through and give me his entire team plus the 4 mil coins if I just gave him all the coins I would make from selling so that he could give them away to the community as well.

I denied and told him I wouldn't sell my team and that he could just give away one of his players or some coins if his intention was to really just give away something. Haven't heard from him again so I guess it's just another scam.


LMAO... some people have too much time on their hands. That's not even a good hustle.


Hard to believe these scams work sometimes.


I don't know man, sounds like a GREAT deal to me!


Lol what a stupid scam. It makes absolutely 0 sense