
Still Can’t Do Turkey Bowl Solos (Anyone else?)

I did the first 6 challenges and whenever I try to do the 7th, I get a server problem error. I can get into the other Harvest Solos, but I can’t skip one in the Turkey Bowl, so I can’t get my 92 NAT. 

Anyone have this problem and fix it or any suggestions? It started Thursday. I though it would solve itself, but nope.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

* Got my answer. Thanks! *


Bueno Senior  A+


Quote from Acura2NV >> Some solos put a player in your lineup and if you already have that player in your lineup it can give you that issue. I had to take Bouye out of my lineup to play his solo because it gave me that issue.

 Bingo! I also had Bouye in lineup. Removing him fixed it. Thank you, sir!


When I had to do the Bouye one, I had to take him out of my lineup to be able to start the solo.


Make a new lineup and pick best overall.  Use that and it will often get you past the glitch.  I hope it works for you.


Some solos put a player in your lineup and if you already have that player in your lineup it can give you that issue. I had to take Bouye out of my lineup to play his solo because it gave me that issue.


No sorry (PS4)