
TOTW LTD card?

Who is going to get the LTD card for TOTW this week? Just looking at Non-PPR scoring at ESPN there are some interesting candidates.

#1 QB is Tannehill with 259yds, 40yds rushing, 4 Total TDs and 1 fumble for 32.4 points only other card is a 74 Gold #2 QB is Darnold with 315yds, 16yds rushing, 3 Total TDs and Zero turnovers for 28.2 points, just got an 83 Harvest card

#1 HB is Fournette with 97yds rushing, 62yds receiving and 2 TDs for 27.9 points, has an 89 Gauntlet card #2 HB is Henry with 159yds rushing, 16 receiving and 2 TDs for 27.2 points, just got a 91 Hero card

#1 WR is Godwin with 184yd receiving and 2 TDs for 30.4 points, has a 91 TOTW LTD from week 4 #2 WR is Landry with 148yd receiving and 2 TDs for 26.8 points, has an 88 Flashback card

#1 Defense was the Redskins with top performers being Landon Collins 79 gold and Cole Holcomb with a 67 rookie card

Forgot TE #1 TE is Kittle with 129yds and 1 TD for 18.9 points, already has a 92 hero card that makes him a 93 in PU


I hope it’s not a HB, it would pale in comparison to what they just released..


Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Quote from FF_Carson19 >> Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Fuller Had some yards aswell, No Tds though, Same with Hopkins.


Quote from FF_Carson19 >> Quote from Braskilla >> Godwin already has the totw LTD from a few weeks back, so I dont see them double dipping there.

My guess would Be Fournette or Henry. I'm not sure of they go from PPR FF or non PPR.

Fournette has that 89 Gauntlet card so its possible its him while Henry has a FB 86ovr? 

I'll say its Fournette. 

 They have been using Non-PPR this whole year. Other wise with PPR you would have CMC as the LTD.


Quote from FF_Carson19 >> Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Fuller Had some yards aswell, No Tds though, Same with Hopkins. 

Hard to tell, just hope theres an LTD like a card like collins with a Gold only this far. Heros to cards we can actually power up. 

 Fuller was 14th is points for a WR in Non-PPR leagues with 14, Nuke was 4th with 21.4

In PPR leagues Hopkins is still 4th with 27.4 and Fuller now 9th with 21


Quote from Uncommittedgamer >> Fuller Had some yards aswell, No Tds though, Same with Hopkins. 

Hard to tell, just hope theres an LTD like a card like collins with a Gold only this far. Heros to cards we can actually power up. 

 Fuller was 14th is points for a WR in Non-PPR leagues with 14, Nuke was 4th with 21.4

In PPR leagues Hopkins is still 4th with 27.4 and Fuller now 9th with 21


Quote from Braskilla >> Godwin already has the totw LTD from a few weeks back, so I dont see them double dipping there.

My guess would Be Fournette or Henry. I'm not sure of they go from PPR FF or non PPR.

Fournette has that 89 Gauntlet card so its possible its him while Henry has a FB 86ovr? 

I'll say its Fournette. 

 They have been using Non-PPR this whole year. Other wise with PPR you would have CMC as the LTD.


Fuller Had some yards aswell, No Tds though, Same with Hopkins. 

Hard to tell, just hope theres an LTD like a card like collins with a Gold only this far. Heros to cards we can actually power up.


Godwin already has the totw LTD from a few weeks back, so I dont see them double dipping there.

My guess would Be Fournette or Henry. I'm not sure of they go from PPR FF or non PPR.

Fournette has that 89 Gauntlet card so its possible its him while Henry has a FB 86ovr? 

I'll say its Fournette.




Quote from ksugg30 >> I'd bet they go with Mayfield for the LTD.

He had a good statistical game finally, 327 yards and 3 TDs.  And nobody else had just an AMAZING game.  Other than Godwin who already has a TOTW LTD.

I could see them using this opportunity to upgrade from his 86 Epic card.  And he'd sell packs.  Lots of guys running a Browns theme this year.

 LTD goes to the TOP FF player so that would put Baker 4th behind Winston who was 3rd. They arent going to give the LTD card that goes to the TOP fantasy player to a guy that was 4th in his position group. They can consider him as a Hero. Last week they couldnt give Josh Allen the LTD card because they made Josh Brown the Hero.


I'd bet they go with Mayfield for the LTD.

He had a good statistical game finally, 327 yards and 3 TDs.  And nobody else had just an AMAZING game.  Other than Godwin who already has a TOTW LTD.

I could see them using this opportunity to upgrade from his 86 Epic card.  And he'd sell packs.  Lots of guys running a Browns theme this year.