
Identifier is a top 3 ability in the game

im surprise more people don’t have it equipped


If u can get fredrik he gets threat detection and identify. Shows u all the players that r blitzin and where the user is at. Gives u pretty ez yardage


Not really most people user the same player every down and can't resist moving them to a better position pre-snap. Usering is nerfed compared to previous years. It might be top 30 ability


It can be very useful.  When Manning was my qb I had it equipped.  But definitely not top three.  If you have to get it on a lineman it is a total waste.


I agree. I run a lot of rpos and screens in between down field passes and runs to keep people having to watch the entire field. A lot of times it forces people to user an outside defender hoping to get a jump on the ball which allows me to finally attack the middle. Most of the time they try to hide it by not moving presnap so Identifier is the only way to tell.


You don't need it.


Quote from bmp83 >> Any explanation to why you feel it’s top 3?

It helps me make the right reads against players that like to run Dime 1-4-6 or similar.  I like to stay away from the user because a good user will eventually guess right on your quick throws


Quote from jcsteel66 >> I can usually tell where the user is before I snap the ball.  Only VERY savvy players stay still prior to hike.

 Same here, most people move around a lot before snap.


Any explanation to why you feel it’s top 3?


I can usually tell where the user is before I snap the ball.  Only VERY savvy players stay still prior to hike.


Don’t need it


I pass the hall 80 percent of the time and mainly play squads. Identifier is a must for me


Why would anyone care who they’re gonna run HB stretch on? Does it make it easier to run dive if you know who your opponent is usering?


I use it even though you can usually tell what person they’re using with out it because most run around like chickens with their heads cut off personal but it’s nice when you have guys that use manual adjustments were they switch on to a player to change their assignment. If they switch to someone and stay on them for a sec before moving to another it usually means they are changing that players assignment. Just another useful tool to help identify what they are doing. By them doing this I also snap the ball right away and try and get them stuck on a lineman. If they are changing 4-5 players assignments by switching to them first there’s a good chance you can catch them using someone they didn’t intend to by snapping as soon as you can.


Quote from Svenga1i >> Speaking of abilities, etc....what exactly does the Momentum Change X-Factor do, and how does it get activated?

 For pat Willis it’s 5 hitsticks and it takes away all there X factors if they have them or say you have 4-5 throws  to get fearless is  Erases that🦚


It’s nice if your playing someone very good who’s blitzing heavily other wise I can 90 % identity who your usering by just making a few more fake adjustments most people,e get ants in there pants and move around and let you know who there on . Not to mention it’s second nature when I hike the ball to look at my first read and look for your user. I don’t even use this ability 🦚


It's a waste of an ability


Speaking of abilities, etc....what exactly does the Momentum Change X-Factor do, and how does it get activated?


Quote from xETSxTwiis7eD >> Quote from HT0WN713 >> It’s good but definitely not top 3. You can usually see who’s the user or have a good idea of who’s the user controlling for the most part. 

 I agree its useful, but you should know after a handful of plays who they like to user.



I think he meant to say top 3 worst.


lmao no. it’s mad easy knowing who someone is usering. They usually always move and most time if they user that player to start the game then they’ll be for the whole game.