
Does anyone here play with Russel Wilson

Really interested in his card but the arm strength concerns me.  What is the highest I can chem him up to without a theme team?


Yes, with PU + Go Deep he will have 89 THP. I use Seahawks Team Passing to get him to 91 THP where he is a straight up baller, I don't have Madden so I can't tell you what he would look like with those. 89 THP is decent though.

I run Wilson, I have no problem throwing deep but I don’t try to laugh 65+ yard throws with anyone so I’m not sure if that’s what you are talking about.

probably more importantly, he really doesn’t fumble for me, even when I forget to slide or don’t slide, he has been great about holding onto that ball.


I run him fully powered up with escape artist and dashing deadeye, full go deep chem so he gets to 89 throw power and he always throws perfect passes for the cover 3 beaters. Since I rollout when throwing these he gets the “deadeye” on the throws which makes sure the pass gets where it needs to.


I have him and he plays great for me. 90+ stats on everything but THP and TUP


I use him and he plays great. The combination of escape artist + dashing deadeye is awesome. I think you should be able to get him to 90+ THP with Go Deep maxed plus Tier 2 madden passing.

Quote from ahunter12knights >> Do you know if you can chem him up to 90+ throw power?

 Seahawks passing chem could help and I could get him to 90 with tier 2 madden passing. So that is also an option


Do you know if you can chem him up to 90+ throw power?


dang that 89 throw power scares me since I run a lot of cover 4 2 1 and 3 1 play TD beaters

Quote from ahunter12knights >> Quote from cars_is_a_bad_username >> Go deep and madden chems. He has been great for me

 I only have two madden collectibles.  What's his stats for you?

 89 throw power, 86 mid and 92 deep. His throw on the run is really good as well


Quote from cars_is_a_bad_username >> Go deep and madden chems. He has been great for me

 I only have two madden collectibles.  What's his stats for you?

Go deep and madden chems. He has been great for me