I can confirm Hollywood QS for 1k Bolts... I pulled him earlier. I think he's the only card who QS for bolts so hope this helps!
Quote from rob2479 >> Quote from Oil710 >> What about the LtD blitz players? What do they QS for, anyone know?
What does the MUT player page say? I'm pretty sure it's also for TP.
Quote from
Quote from Oil710 >> What about the LtD blitz players? What do they QS for, anyone know?
What does the MUT player page say? I'm pretty sure it's also for TP.
Quote from Ryan11p >> Marquis Brown quick sells for bolts
^ Trying desperately to sell a Marquis Brown?!
Quote from big_moomba >> Yes
Know facts b4 you trick someone into wasting coins.
Quote from MUTtradesNauction >> Quote from Red_alpha2000 >> pretty sure they qs for training...
Yes they do I just bought one to find out they don’t sell for bolts
thank you for this info
Quote from big_moomba >> Yes
wonderful contribution to this MUT community ....
Quote from Red_alpha2000 >> pretty sure they qs for training...
Yes they do I just bought one to find out they don’t sell for bolts
Anyone know?