Quote from Dreverse >> Just get the blitz and power up it’s basically the same and u can add brawler to get to that 95 speed also I think u can’t put abilities or power up the one for sale ( stupid if true )
You cant power it up, but im pretty sure you can put abilties on it.
Plus its 1500 points for a guaranteed card and some accessories. Blitz CJ2k cost a bit of coins plus tp to power up. Just saying :)
Just get the blitz and power up it’s basically the same and u can add brawler to get to that 95 speed also I think u can’t put abilities or power up the one for sale ( stupid if true )
Quote from Charlie_Hussell >> Quote from assassin3223 >> It qs for 12,600 at least that’s what it showed on the madden morning stream
Why would they cut the training in half on a card that you have to buy?.. Wow.
makes no sense. I would have bought if it was full training on it. Because the card looks good for now and close future. End game card? Only with chems
Quote from assassin3223 >> It qs for 12,600 at least that’s what it showed on the madden morning stream
Why would they cut the training in half on a card that you have to buy?.. Wow.
It qs for 12,600 at least that’s what it showed on the madden morning stream
Been thinking of buying the pack and using him, how does he play for you? Worst case I QS him for something like 25,000 training right?