
Uniforms with Chems?

I remember in previous MUTs, there were uniforms that we could add chems to to help boost our team chems. Anyone remember when those dropped?


Only the madden coach this year will give ratings to everybody. Otherwise, everything else is only for the theme team.


Quote from gjet2rockuuu >> u can still upgrade ur uniforms coaches and staduims what are u guys talking about

 You are talking about theme team chems. He’s talking about normal chems. You use to be able to get a certain jersey and put 5 chems on it, such as 5 pass rush or 5 Lockdown and have it boost your whole team. It made it much easier to get two chems fully boosted.


Quote from gjet2rockuuu >> u can still upgrade ur uniforms coaches and staduims what are u guys talking about

In previous years some uni chems would apply to the whole team. Some stadiums would also do this.

Was nice when you were a couple points short of the next tier upgrade.


u upgrade them with training pints


u can still upgrade ur uniforms coaches and staduims what are u guys talking about


They dropped with the start of the game you could literally put them on those MUT starter red uniforms you get, I got no idea why ea decided to not let us do that this year