
Interested to know

If anyone is saving up packs for next week for the Christmas promo?

I got 34 packs, all from the Blitz promo saved up. Plan to maybe have another 10 or so, mainly after Solo Battles and Weekend League rewards come out


Quote from buggy3663 >> I'm at 57 plus whatever packs I get this week.  Its all my solo battle and WL packs for the past 3 weeks I think plus some twitch packs.  I don't need the players or coins immediately so I'm saving them in hopes of pulling some presents.

 Exactly why I'm saving them. The team is just fine in terms of coins and overall but I would definitely call myself a present collector addict lol. Hoping for one of the big ones for once!


I'm at 57 plus whatever packs I get this week.  Its all my solo battle and WL packs for the past 3 weeks I think plus some twitch packs.  I don't need the players or coins immediately so I'm saving them in hopes of pulling some presents.


I might save my solo battle and weekend league packs but nothing else, I’ve got a stack of some coins I’m waiting to use to hopefully purchase presents because those are my favorite part of the promo.