
Coin Making Strategy with Playbooks 50k A Day

For those NMS guys,

I found a decent (not exceptionally great) way to generate about 50k in coin a day. I’m not gifted at sniping in the AH and so I needed an easier approach to making coin.

The method involves buying training at 15 coin per tp rate then find the most expensive playbooks (multiple D, Saints and Pats offense, etc) and buy them in the training shop where the cost is 150tp (2250 coins).

Then just sell those playbooks for coin. Normally, I can get about 20 or so sold daily for about 5500 a piece (sometimes  much more if you are patient). This leads to a 2500 profit per transaction and if you can swing 20 of these transactions in a day then it’s 50k in coin.

Hope this helps generate coin for you!

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