Well of course i know i dont need to but im not into hoarding coins and like to use them to get the best value out of this game i can in my eyes ya kno. I play this for fun you feel me !! But anyway yes, i kno they are dropping the content but like i was saying basically i wanna kno if were looking at a big opportunity to make extra coins, or if i should stick with my first thought and just not worry about who is coming out and just splurge 🤣🤣 dont want calvin or mahomes so basically its keep stackin the theme team and buy more nfl 100 ravens or try to go big or go home coin wise!
i recommend holding onto ur coins for a good portion of this promo. nfl 100 wr’s are dropping Saturday, tomorrow mahomes is coming and maybe a Calvin Johnson. No need to spend all your coins.
Thats what this sometimes great community is for ! My question is simple i have 2 million coins and a 92 ovr team and im wondering should i invest in kindling and flip ghost of madden tom since ill be up when they drop or take my original sure bet and try to snag 3 maybe 4 nfl 100 players since their price should dip instead 🤔🤔🤔