
Do not wait until the NFL 100 Qbs for an upgrade at QB unless you like Pocket QBs

No Steve young will not get an upgrade and none of the Qbs will have escape artists.  Do you really think Steve Young is a top 5 QB of all time lmaoo


Quote from elaurant0 >> escape artist is unskillful and unrealistic. 90% of scrambles with escape artist are ea bailouts by nerfing the pass rush.

escape artist bails out people who are outplayed. if you cant make reads or call good plays you do not deserve unrealistic, unskillful bailouts when you get outplayed. 

escape artist should be removed from the game, QBs should move their actual speed behind the los. qb fumbling should be increased. qb slide needs to be fixed, sliding through defenders is not ok. if the slide animation hasnt finished by the time a defender is within 1 yard of you it should be a fumble EVERY TIME. sliding is more effective at trucking than actual trucking at times in m20.....


Quote from Redskins1791 >> Is it realistic that Lawrence Taylor and other DE's in the game sack you before you can even move ?.

I dont consider myself outplayed when I have full protection on, with a RB & FB both blocking, and an offense line with Pass & Run Block all over 90, and still have no time to throw a slant.

I dont think its just the QB thats unrealistic at times.

To be fair I have watched Lamar Jackson a few times this year, and he is harder to stop in RL than in the game lol.

 This is honestly something I've said to myself when some guy I'm playing has Lamar and just runs all over me. It's irritating, but then I tell myself that Lamar basically does this every week in real life, so it's really not that crazy.


Quote from 55studwell >> Quote from Ferga24 >> I don't want young to get a 94 NFL 100, I want him to get a 95 ghost

 Ghost of the past will be 96!!

 Only the master will be. Unless they change it


Is it realistic that Lawrence Taylor and other DE's in the game sack you before you can even move ?.

I dont consider myself outplayed when I have full protection on, with a RB & FB both blocking, and an offense line with Pass & Run Block all over 90, and still have no time to throw a slant.

I dont think its just the QB thats unrealistic at times.

To be fair I have watched Lamar Jackson a few times this year, and he is harder to stop in RL than in the game lol.


escape artist is unskillful and unrealistic. 90% of scrambles with escape artist are ea bailouts by nerfing the pass rush.

escape artist bails out people who are outplayed. if you cant make reads or call good plays you do not deserve unrealistic, unskillful bailouts when you get outplayed. 

escape artist should be removed from the game, QBs should move their actual speed behind the los. qb fumbling should be increased. qb slide needs to be fixed, sliding through defenders is not ok. if the slide animation hasnt finished by the time a defender is within 1 yard of you it should be a fumble EVERY TIME. sliding is more effective at trucking than actual trucking at times in m20.....


Quote from Ferga24 >> I don't want young to get a 94 NFL 100, I want him to get a 95 ghost

 Ghost of the past will be 96!!


To me the great QB's are the ones that Win, when the pressure is on they come through, to me that is still a talent.

Thats why I think Brady is one of the very best, because he has the talent to win. ( I am not a Pats supporter, just my opinion)

Although Young was good, he isnt all time top 10, there are so many great QB's out there.

My personal top QB's in no particular order are : Brady, Elway, Marino, Montanta, I never got the chance to watch Starr, Staubach, Graham, Unitas etc so hard for me to judge them - Bradshaw was pretty succesful too, but no one seems to mention him lol


Quote from Mediocre_Gent >> Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Already got Mahomes powered up, dont need anyone else until the next RW3 upgrade

 I'm really tempted to pick up Redux Russell right now due to how cheap he is. His next card will be nasty.

 I just pulled him last night....decided to hold onto him for now


I’m worried we WON’T get a Brady. The MUT offerings have been somewhat strange.


Quote from Jonnydaman >> If Manning gets one with Omaha activated it could be dangerous 

 I hadn’t thought about that. I was hoping for Brady and now you have me second guessing.


Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Already got Mahomes powered up, dont need anyone else until the next RW3 upgrade

 I'm really tempted to pick up Redux Russell right now due to how cheap he is. His next card will be nasty.


Just hoping for a Manning or Elway. It would be nice to have one Broncos player included on the damn team

Already got Mahomes powered up, dont need anyone else until the next RW3 upgrade


Quote from mubby33 >> Quote from Dirk26 >> Quote from mubby33


Otto, Manning, Brady, Montana, and I’m PRAYING they bring FAVRE


Quote from martyr1968 >> Quote from phague >> Young is easily top 10 maybe 5. But he still won't get a 100 card unless were hella lucky. I'm talking pure talent. Young's arguably the most well rounded qb ever with arm accuracy and his scrambling ability. I put him above Vick simply cause he was a better passer. Tom and Joe are clearly numero uno. A fucking Joe card would be amazing but theres no way we get Montana. We would have heard they had his rights a long time ago.


Quote from phague >> Young is easily top 10 maybe 5. But he still won't get a 100 card unless were hella lucky. I'm talking pure talent. Young's arguably the most well rounded qb ever with arm accuracy and his scrambling ability. I put him above Vick simply cause he was a better passer. Tom and Joe are clearly numero uno. A fucking Joe card would be amazing but theres no way we get Montana. We would have heard they had his rights a long time ago.

Above Vick???? Vick's barely makes the top 50 QB's of all time...what does Vick have to do with anything? He's above Vick because Vick basically sucked except as a runner 

Top 5? Tell me which of these QB's Young was better than..because there sure aren't 5


Steve Young can’t wait high fives op


Young is easily top 10 maybe 5. But he still won't get a 100 card unless were hella lucky. I'm talking pure talent. Young's arguably the most well rounded qb ever with arm accuracy and his scrambling ability. I put him above Vick simply cause he was a better passer. Tom and Joe are clearly numero uno. A fucking Joe card would be amazing but theres no way we get Montana. We would have heard they had his rights a long time ago.


Quote from mubby33 >> Quote from Dirk26 >> Quote from mubby33 >>