Quote from irishdawg22 >> OOP is always the worst promo of the year. DT Richard card is now better than Randle, Snacks, Cox and Atkins. What a joke!!
Same goes for Calvin and Evans.
But every 12 yr old rushes in to buy packs.
Ricard actually plays DT and plays it well, so he's getting a 94 based on time of year. So, saying that his card is better than these others is a matter of timing more than anything.
OOP is always the worst promo of the year. DT Richard card is now better than Randle, Snacks, Cox and Atkins. What a joke!!
Same goes for Calvin and Evans.
But every 12 yr old rushes in to buy packs.
Quote from ebtandbackpage >> Ok thank you for the answers. I didnt know I could use both. Thought it had to be one or the other. Preciate it
YW. GL out there.
That Mike Evans CB looks great tho.
Ok thank you for the answers. I didnt know I could use both. Thought it had to be one or the other. Preciate it
You can keep him at WR and use the OOP card at CB in your line up. It's not a one or the other kind of thing
The OOP Cards do not go into power ups unless they have the logo on the card. The only OOP that can go into a power up seems to be Megatron.
Your Mike Evans CB card will not go into the power up.
Hope this helps.
You'll be able to use both, but I doubt that the OOP card will go into his WR power up.
Do the OOP players go into power ups? I know the obvious ones like calvin johnson do. But Like for example I run a bucs theme team and we have no corners. But I have Mike Evan's at Wr PUd fully already. Would his new OOP card go into his PU and could I play him at CB? Or I ain't that lucky and I would have to get rid of him at WR in order to use him at CB. Thanks for the answers