
Merry Christmas Guys! Spread Joy.

Thanks to all the great people on this site and who play this game, Slammer, Ballsy, JCSteel, etc; you make my days more interesting and informational. 

For those who are and have ever been away from their home protecting our country on this day, God bless you. I know how emotional it can be to wake up in a war zone on Christmas.

Finally, we live in the best time in human history. We have more blessings than I care to try to count from this hand held device that is connected to the entire world. A small sample proves the point; water, heat, air conditioning, food, power, etc, etc, etc. If you don’t know, there are billions of people on this earth without these (at least a reliable source of these) blessings we take for granted every day. 

A special thanks to EA for all the fun you provide me with this game, it does not suck to play this game everyday I can.

Spread joy and happiness. Life is too short.


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you Midway!