Quote from mvandor >> Don't see Moss or Thomas as slots. Well, certainly not IRL.
Thomas has no business being on anything other than Saints Theme Teams. Speed is king and route running above 90 is irrelevant.
Quote from mvandor >> Don't see Moss or Thomas as slots. Well, certainly not IRL.
Michael Thomas played in the slot like 30% of the time, and got around 40% of his 2019 targets there. He makes sense there, Moss does not.
TO is best non theme team but moss on a theme team just kahunas over the top with 99 speed
Quote from jcsteel66 >> Quote from JaY_oSo >> TO with only UNIs chem and wc(no JM coach or 49ers plyers) still blows CJ always...imagine if i had JM coach like most of u guys
TO is good, but better than this? (Coach Madden & max Brawler, but no team chemistry.)
Quote from JaY_oSo >> TO with only UNIs chem and wc(no JM coach or 49ers plyers) still blows CJ always...imagine if i had JM coach like most of u guys
TO is good, but better than this? (Coach Madden & max Brawler, but no team chemistry.)
TO with only UNIs chem and wc(no JM coach or 49ers plyers) still blows CJ always...imagine if i had JM coach like most of u guys
I’d say lose TO
Calvin and Moss have it all, then you add Tyreek as the speedster and Thomas as the big body jump ball guy, you have all that you need
To be honest For slot receiver the best guy is whoever had the highest Mid RR all the other RR really wont mean much. which most likely is Thomas, speed does not matter so aslong as the slot guy is 95 speed tht is ok. For the outside u can put anyone but i prefer guys with speed and high release. So with the options u listed i would rank them 1. To, 2. Calvin. and the slot guy would be Thomas since his mid is 94 and he’ll always be open on the routes for a slot guy.....but also calvin could go in the slot because he just barely meets the rr u want for a slot guy...Outside of course could be of 3 options Moss, To,Calvin...personally i woudlnt use Tyreek but if u did put him outside his rr is only good for an outside receiver..I hold TO above them all simply because his pure stats without boost are the best in the game even compared to the new CJ
Calvin/Hill/Morton/Hardman on my theme team all 99 speed with good catch. Also have Moss who usually is in over Hardman.
Quote from mvandor >> Don't see Moss or Thomas as slots. Well, certainly not IRL.
Doesn’t even matter in madden lol
Quote from mvandor >> Lose one - you're wasting coin. I'd use Tyreek in the slot and put slot apprentice on him... JMHO.
I thought the same thing but Thomas is a natural 99 slot receiver believe it or not I actually might lose Tyreek...IMO unless toy have human joystick on him, he's just pure speed.
Throw in Tyreek.
So what order would u put those guys in? Thomas is my slot, Moss and Tyreek on the outside and TO swaps in sometimes when I feel like it
Don't know where Calvin would go honestly. ???