As most of you are playing 20, I don't know that if you are aware that solos are being deleted off of the old MUTs. A couple of weeks ago it was 15 & 16.No big deal right? I mean 15 was dead and 16 was on life support. Curious, yet not that big of a deal right?
Then I turned on 19 today and EA deleted the Longshot solos from 19 for no good reason. Why on earth would EA do this? No way they could be THAT petty and greedy? This should concern any of you that want to skip a year of MUT. If this is their policy going forward, you could see in the future, solos being deleted much more quickly-and eventually maybe your MUT team when the new Madden comes out. Are you okay with this? Some people like me, like doing the old Journeys and stuff and aren't concerned with updating.
As most of you are playing 20, I don't know that if you are aware that solos are being deleted off of the old MUTs. A couple of weeks ago it was 15 & 16.No big deal right? I mean 15 was dead and 16 was on life support. Curious, yet not that big of a deal right? Then I turned on 19 today and EA deleted the Longshot solos from 19 for no good reason. Why on earth would EA do this? No way they could be THAT petty and greedy? This should concern any of you that want to skip a year of MUT. If this is their policy going forward, you could see in the future, solos being deleted much more quickly-and eventually maybe your MUT team when the new Madden comes out. Are you okay with this? Some people like me, like doing the old Journeys and stuff and aren't concerned with updating.