Started with 10k kindling tryna hit some rerolls with the 78+ and 85+ kinding options in the store trying to pull Sean Taylor...6 hours later and a MINIMUM probably more 92+ rolls including 4 Bo’s, ended up with 40k kindling and profit from coins to just buy the card. Shit was bonkers. My packs were juiced. Not sure if anyone has given those rerolls a try but man am I glad I went for it
Started with 10k kindling tryna hit some rerolls with the 78+ and 85+ kinding options in the store trying to pull Sean Taylor...6 hours later and a MINIMUM probably more 92+ rolls including 4 Bo’s, ended up with 40k kindling and profit from coins to just buy the card. Shit was bonkers. My packs were juiced. Not sure if anyone has given those rerolls a try but man am I glad I went for it