So I've got my 95 Blount ready to upgrade. His PU had been sitting at 87 for awhile, since I sold his base legend like a month+ ago. So I also thought maybe I would want to upgrade Rod Woodson, PU was sitting at 88.
So I get to level 76, buy the level pack with Blount. Go to upgrade, and this idiot clicks on Woodson and starts upgrading instead.... and keep having to search auctions instead of just add it in lol.... so I was confused checked my item binder and there he is..... then I noticed my mistake.... so to further compound things, then I powered Woodson back down to get a little TP back for when doing Blount..... oh well lol, I wont let it get to me, good thing training is dirt cheap currntly
So I've got my 95 Blount ready to upgrade. His PU had been sitting at 87 for awhile, since I sold his base legend like a month+ ago. So I also thought maybe I would want to upgrade Rod Woodson, PU was sitting at 88.
So I get to level 76, buy the level pack with Blount. Go to upgrade, and this idiot clicks on Woodson and starts upgrading instead.... and keep having to search auctions instead of just add it in lol.... so I was confused checked my item binder and there he is..... then I noticed my mistake.... so to further compound things, then I powered Woodson back down to get a little TP back for when doing Blount..... oh well lol, I wont let it get to me, good thing training is dirt cheap currntly