Not sure what Console PK67 had 30 years ago, but if the animations were better than now, I want one lol.
I agree gameplay used to be better, in those days because the graphics were poor you needed good gameplay for players to get hooked, sometimes now people just think, oooo look at the pretty screen lol.
I think Madden has been a great game over the years. - is it perfect NO far from it - but I still think they get more right than wrong.
Would another company make a better game ?, probably not overall, but they would make some aspects better, which will force EA to up their game, and would result in a better Madden.
Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> I like the game, I hate the x factors and abilities. Take those out and we have a pretty good game
Quote from elaurant0 >> i disagree.
the way 95% of people play this game desecrates it. they way they play shows a hatred of football, competitiveness and skill.
if you love football you would not play that way.
escape artist close and tight formations blitz defenses etc etc i could go on all day but if you loved football you would not use any of the garbage.
I agree but this game is broken as well.
I was going to quit if there was no Sean Taylor this year so I'm at least sticking around for a while longer now.
No, I play it because I like it. If I didnt I wouldn't play it. I dont like the random disconnects though.
Disconnects are absolutely the worst thing on earth. When I get a loss, and the loading screen didn’t even get to go away. And it sends me back to hub with a loss. That’s the one thing I’ll never understand. Like why give me a loss. Atleast be fair, and make it neutral.
I like the game, I just dpnt like playing people who run the same plays over and over again, hoping that the computer will eventually give them a lucky play...that's annoying to me.
Close and tight formations aren’t an issue. You can’t just force guys to run spread all game because you want to.
There are teams that blitz almost every snap, so again not issue there.
Escape is fine but should only activate when you have to escape pressure, it shouldn’t be available right after the snap IMO Quote from elaurant0 >> i disagree.
the way 95% of people play this game desecrates it. they way they play shows a hatred of football, competitiveness and skill.
if you love football you would not play that way.
i disagree.
the way 95% of people play this game desecrates it. they way they play shows a hatred of football, competitiveness and skill.
if you love football you would not play that way.
escape artist close and tight formations blitz defenses etc etc i could go on all day but if you loved football you would not use any of the garbage.
Not the only game, but the only licensed game.
How could animation and gameplay be better 30 years ago then on todays consoles with the ability to greatly improve the game, graphics.. etc..
The main problem is greed and not just EA. Once the games went online, companies saw how online casinos suckered people in and wanted that piece of the pie. That said, the pressure was on for them to produce quality that matched the expense of begging people to buy packs and they have failed miserably the last 4 years and the most common glitches have been around since online Day 1.
Yet people continue to fatten companies with cash for no monetary value in return {unless you break TOS}
All you have to do is look at that Tillman post why he has long hair in the game now here and reddit. It goes to show that people have no football knowledge of events from 15 years ago. Probably have no idea there is a statue at sun devil stadium with the hair and even worse, how people had no clue he had better NFL stats then Sean Taylor in most defensive categories except INTS.
I like the game, I hate the x factors and abilities. Take those out and we have a pretty good game
Literally the last b***h on the planet