
Can they just rid of coach suggestions

It does nothing and if this is “ competitive mode” then there should not be a reason for it to be there to. Just get rid of it why should the A.I be able to read my play then give the other player a defensive based on it whether you can beat it or not that’s not the point


Why does it bother you? My beef is it leaves SO many plays out of the recommendations, you won't touch half the playbook.

-1 point

They have to have it putting your options defense on conservative is so important when your playing someone who runs read option with Lamar or vick

2 points

Of course Dreverse is the one complaining about this. Move along folks, nothing to see here besides the eternal whiner that finds everything about the game bad.

-3 points

To most you see it just there and are like ....whatever But for the cheesers they go to it see if the suggestion are zone meaning it’s a good chance it’s a pass or a blitz which then means run . It also should not be there in a mode that promotes “ competitive “. There’s nothing competitive about the A.I giving you a play obviously it’s waiting for your selection then chooses a play based on it . The cheesers out there use it to gain advantage. But most didn’t or don’t no about this tactic.

Edited by Dreverse

1 point



It’s because it not right. Pick a run play and watch coach suggestions give your opponent blitz plays to stop the running meaning Now I no it’s a run so I go to my run stopppers same with pass plays . It really shouldn’t be in a mode that promotes it self as “ competitive “. Most here don’t no the way to use it to manipulate it to no your opponents play selection.

1 point

How is it not right? What’s so wrong about it. Quit with this nonsense already you’re just trying to reach for attention. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with there being coaching suggestions on the play call menu.

Edited by NYGbigblue



1 point

He needs his daily attention.


I actually use them half the time

1 point

Of course there’s reason for it to be there. Just because you don’t approve doesn’t mean they should ditch it.

-2 points

What’s the reason? It’s supposedly a competitive mode why should the a.i be allowed to pick a play based on what I picked and give you a option of plays based on it ?

Edited by Dreverse

1 point

What.. just let it go.

2 points

You’re reaching again. This is really not a big deal at all.


It's kind of fun to just screw around and use coaches suggestions only


Agree...I sometimes just go with the suggestions on offense and defense. Kinda fun

3 points

AKA “why would I need a coach’s suggestion to run stretch and Gun Tight Offset? Sometimes I accidentally click X too fast and am forced to use a different play. So irritating”.


I played another dude who spammed that garbage. I boxed for the majority of the game, but ea wasn't going me win.

2 points

I personally love coach suggestions - it allows me to dig deeper into a playbook as I’m doing solos without spending a ton of time labbing


Yeah I love it. Truly don't understand the OP's complaint. You want less play variety from players than there already is?

1 point

I have learned to actually use a large amount of my playbook because I look at coach suggestions and just don't pick the same plays over and over. But ok...




Same too


There’s no such thing as “competitive Madden gameplay” LMAO.


I agree