I benched him for Barry and after I sold Barry and put him back in the starting lineup, this man going crazy. I ran a toss and of course it gets blown up 5 yards in the backfield but he got a break tackle animation that caught two defenders and then proceeded to HURDLE X-Factored NTL (I wanted to do a spin move lmao - literally did not do the thing I wanted it to do so this game broken as hell) and ran for like an 80 yard TD. This dude is going absolutely bananas. So I guess the solution when your players aren’t playing up to their overall anymore is to bench them for someone else and then put them back in. 🤷🏼♂️
I benched him for Barry and after I sold Barry and put him back in the starting lineup, this man going crazy. I ran a toss and of course it gets blown up 5 yards in the backfield but he got a break tackle animation that caught two defenders and then proceeded to HURDLE X-Factored NTL (I wanted to do a spin move lmao - literally did not do the thing I wanted it to do so this game broken as hell) and ran for like an 80 yard TD. This dude is going absolutely bananas. So I guess the solution when your players aren’t playing up to their overall anymore is to bench them for someone else and then put them back in. 🤷🏼♂️