Dude I’ve probably rolled 150000-200000 candy in eggs and have 2 rare and 6 UL I’ve gotten a few Super Bowl and a couple theme builder so if your chasing rare eggs go 3300 reroll but with your coin stack if you want a safe bet and want one of the 4 basic grand eggs then do that pack
Random eggs are the absolute worst way, nothing but small eggs. Just buy them and do bunny set, that gave me the most common sper big egg, sorry forgot the name, one bigger than big egg
Agreed, unless you have a load of coins to invest.
I did the random set around 12 times (I don’t have a load of coins to invest) and got 1 grand, 2 medium the rest small.
If that’s your candy limit. I would say buy one grand egg straight out and then chuck the rest in to the random set and hope for the best.
I've got 16k candy plus matt Ryan that I bought for 110k to qs for candy (not sure if that was the best idea either). I currently only have small eggs. Should I buy and grand egg and then roll the 3300 random egg or just roll that completely.