I have a thread in the Gameplay Strategy forum. Willing to pay someone to help me get people open deep. I can't complete a pass more than 15 yards downfieldand it's why I'm stuck at 18 WL wins and not 23+
I have streak specialist on megatron I only throw it to him when he has a step or he's one on one with no safety help but once I throw the ball (lob pass) I take control of the receiver and break lose from the defender so I don't get sucked into a stupid animation high point the ball and aggressive catch
Edited by glasscitytitan
Moss is not a good card this year and I see he drops more for my opponents than users with Megatron.
Edited by BenzOn22s
You have to click on the receiver and strafe around with him so you don’t get locked in an animation. Also, don’t even think about throwing it deep if your receiver doesn’t have abilities on him. And make sure you have Streak Specialist as one of your abilities.
Yeah I have all of the abilities on moss so that's not a problem. When you're strafing with the receiver do you make an aggressive catch then? Assuming it's contested.
Yeah aggressive catch when you’re strafing unless you have him beat. If he’s in front of you, Aggressive always.
I see people tossing up jump balls to Megatron all the time. What's the best way to do that in a contested situation? I have Moss maxed out and he seems to get bullied a lot. Are high lob passes the best? Do I follow up with an aggressive catch?