
My MUT Easter Day Post

First off, Happy Easter everyone. It is a great day for He Has Risen!

Day started off stressful, as I wanted to finish my first 25 HR wins before eggs opened to QS the players for more candy, but ended up getting it with 15 minutes to spare lol. Got 150 eggs, and among the pulls I had included a bunch of Full UL’s, getting enough SB players to build MVP Mahomes for free (QS everyone but him) with a few extra SB players left over, a couple 95 Theme Diamonds including Nnamdi and Cromartie (both of whom I was looking to get and try out, 96 Playoff Champ Bailey, and a few other players that I used for sets/upgrades.

The best part though, was rebuilding my whole team during the 45 minute Market Crash and spending maybe 600,000 coins and still having 1.7 million left. All while hardly selling any of my egg rewards. Overall I give this promo a solid 8.5/10. If anyone has an extra 97 Khalil Mack, trade you a 97 Dickerson for him lol


I had to work the FA training re roll like a madman to get back the 900k I lost on egg rewards- the best pull I had were the two 97 SB players the other 6 grand eggs had 2 96’s and the other 4 were 95’s- at least I get to keep kittle