
Amos or Berry?

I absolutely love how Berry has been playing for me (plus gotta show love for a fellow cancer survivor), but currently have been thinking about selling him to get Amos, since I’ve started getting a Bears theme team going. How do the two compare to each other? I know stats wise, Amos looks to be the better choice but know that’s not always true when you get in game.

Would like to try and sell Berry before any new info on the UF promo gets released that could affect his value


I absolutely love how Berry has been playing for me (plus gotta show love for a fellow cancer survivor), but currently have been thinking about selling him to get Amos, since I’ve started getting a Bears theme team going. How do the two compare to each other? I know stats wise, Amos looks to be the better choice but know that’s not always true when you get in game.

Would like to try and sell Berry before any new info on the UF promo gets released that could affect his value


Got berry too but gonna sell him and hope Amos card crashes a good bit to get him


Amos is the move here.


Was just about to ask this question between the 2 of them. What about both of them not being a big hitter??  Does coaching adjustments fix that if you put it on aggressive??


Once you said Bears Chem, it only makes sense not to read the rest. Get you Bears specific chems up and it will make him better than Berry.


I love my Eric Berry (tier 6 lockdown and Brockers chem). But Amos is a good investment


I love my Amos card! Great thing about him too is that he’s got +90 MCV and more than enough speed to man up receivers in mid blitz or any other cover 0.


The 600k card is better than the 259k card ALMOST always


I use Ed reed. His tackling is low, but I’d rather my LB be making tackles.


Amos plays great for me. I have him 1 tier below his TOW card. Some will complain about his catching stats but I dont see him dropping many picks. Very bbn solid against the run and pass. If you can get his TOW card and power him up, he'll be able to match up with pretty much any WR in the game, he'll be a beast against the run, and he'll give you extra chems from his TD card. 

I also have berry's 88 alter ego card at backup SS that I sometimes use in big dime packages and have no complaints aside from his speed.