

Are they going to exist this year?  Seems like they will be OP with chems on backups but just curious


Are they going to exist this year?  Seems like they will be OP with chems on backups but just curious


this weekend?


The way they took away rising stars with like 10 teams still lacking one makes me think a program with a boost will replace RS. I'll guess motivators takes it's place and they drip them out each week but I'm usually wrong so do with that what you will :lol:


I hope we get them


On MDD they are constantly trying to shoe horn in the word motivators at the end of each stream so it’s pretty obvious


Hopefully in January or so they release them, loved the promo and with backups having chem abilities, would be absolutely great this yr


Depends, seems their focus is on Freeze so if I had to guess it’d be later in the game (possibly due to the fact that they would be OP) also, I’m curious as to how they’re gonna respond with stat caps as everyone will have 99s on their team by Jan-February at this rate.


Quote from lariluck >> Are they going to exist this year?  Seems like they will be OP with chems on backups but just curious

 No you should be able to motivate your players on your own. Stop asking for help lol.