
If you kick it to the fullback you lost my respect

How many years has this kicking to fullback been around? About two since the formation changed.  I remember EA originally tried fixing it by not letting you aim for him but people still got it there anyways. And now EA doesnt even try to fix it. As long as that formation is around its gonna happen. Actually now that I think about it you cant even audible from onside kick to a regular return anymore. The one thing that kept the fullback away... I'm sorry but I'm not giving up my Devlin for franco Harris just to have him there to return kicks to the thirty. 

But if you are one of the many people who kick it to the fullback I'm gonna put it plain and simple I dont respect you anymore. You have to earn it back. It is such a slimy underhanded tactic to try to get the slow fb to fumble or have a lackluster return. How often does the fullback get the ball In real life on kickoffs? Why dont they do this in real life if it works in Madden? This game is a joke but the players are the true clowns. If you dont do this congrats on being on of the few players in the community who play fair. I like you guys.

What’s a fullback


I agree, but don’t really care.


Quote from dannzeemann >> Quote from MJL_88 >> Does anyone actually care to have this clowns respect? 🤔

 Yep, you know you’re doing something right if he doesn’t respect you. 

 I’m in the minority when I say it matters to me  to have any legendary thread maker’s respect


Quote from MJL_88 >> Does anyone actually care to have this clowns respect? 🤔

 Yep, you know you’re doing something right if he doesn’t respect you.


Quote from 55studwell >> how has this thread gone 6 pages?!? My best all time thread only went 3 pages!!😂

 Git gud?


how has this thread gone 6 pages?!? My best all time thread only went 3 pages!!😂


Quote from dommeister >>  I wont stop kicking to the fb since I don't care if you respect me or not.

 Me too lol. It's not real football it's Madden. I'm not kicking to 99 speed guy


I only do it in close games where the guy has got like, Tyreek with human joystick back there.


Doubt they care, but it is a pretty big B move in a regular MUT game (anything goes in Draft or SC).


I never kick to the FB. I don’t mind if u do the only time I think it’s scummy is when it’s kicked and momentum takes u out of bounds


Quote from Ballsy >> Quote from saadmurt >> Quote from lachrymotion >>


If you treat OH with respect, you've lost mine!


Quote from Ballsy >> Quote from Flexed >> Quote from Ballsy >>


Quote from Flexed >> Quote from Ballsy >> Quote from saadmurt >>


Quote from Ballsy >> Quote from saadmurt >> Quote from lachrymotion >>


Quote from saadmurt >> Quote from lachrymotion >> Quote from martyr1968


This isn't a glitch play. There are NO GLITCH PLAYS. Poor AI response sure, bad coding sure. Everything has a counter in this game.


Quote from lachrymotion >> Quote from martyr1968 >> Quote from Ace7481


Quote from saadmurt >> Quote from Ace7481 >> Always funny to see people commenting that if you don't like the glitch plays you suck.  I mean 90% of the time I can stop them, but that doesn't mean that a player trying to abuse poor programming instead of just playing the game isn't a POS.  

For the people commentating this is a glitch play doesn't even know what the word glitch means


I start Payton as hb and put Bo at FB (also he’s activated) so I don’t care if you kick to my FB.