
Low Coin Investor v8.1 Coins, Helpful Info & Links...

This is for guys who are new to madden, low on coins, NMS, need some INFO or just a breakdown of what’s new! thedrunkgamer has gots what you need Bro!

FAP Challenges

Challenges today and next two weeks giving us three free players:

35 Stars- 87 OVR NAT Theme Builders 2.0 Player

75 Stars- 90 OVR NAT Theme Builders 2.0 Player

120 Stars- 99 OVR NAT Golden Ticket (Fantasy Pack)

Can skip the “win the game”with 10 min quarters” and still get the GT.

(WARNING prices below subject to change, sometimes not updated)

Coin Making By The Drip of Time

Buy the Alternative Playbooks for 150 Training. Quick sell for 500 coins. With Training at a Two ratio you can’t lose coins.

Costs 300 coin in Training Quicksell 500 coins Profit 200 coins...💰

Yikes how boring but an extra 1,0000 coins a day, if you do it five times.
Think of it like dailies. Two minutes for another 1,000 coins.

Weekly Objectives Free Packs and Coins

At the minimum you should do Seven Solo Battles, on ANY LEVEL just to level up for XP and get the three free packs from objectives.

New Weekly Objective Rewards

Win 7 Games in Solo Battles - Reward: 2x Elite Player Packs

Win 7 Games in H2H Seasons - Reward: 2x Game Changer Packs

Win 7 Games in Squad Seasons - Reward: 1x Game Changer Pack & 1x Elite Player Pack

Win 5 Games in Weekend League - Reward: 50,000 Coins

Win 10 Games in Weekend League - Reward: 50,000 Coins

Full List Completion - Reward: 1,000 Coins

Still have the Five Weekly Mission Objectives for Gridiron Pack


Complete 5 Weekly Activities... Pass for 1200 yards 100 Solo Tackles Win 20 games 50K Solo Battle Score 5 Packs from Store ( Buying 4 gives you 2K quick sell, They are paying us to buy the 500 coin pack) Play Weekend League Seasons Hd2hd Playoff Game

Need Some Coins? Training to Playbooks$

Everyday you do two Solos/Challenges for Daily Objectives. Then Do This

Buy Live Playbooks then check pricing. Teams like Ravens, Chiefs are in demand.

Filters, Flipping and Drilling Down

By Doinwork87

Making Coins from Promos, Programs and Bundles

Spreadsheet from GuttFoxx

Shows pricing/training of overalls and pull rates A spreadsheet looking at the best value for training in M20

Training Calculator thread

by irishdawg22

Quick Sell Value by Overall











90) 4940

89) 3570

88) 2570

87) 1860

86) 1340

85) 970

84) 700

83) 505

82) 365

81) 265

80) 190

79) 77

78) 64

77) 53

Platinum Card Quicksell Values

80) 18k

81) 26k

82) 38k

83) 55k

84) 80k

85) 110k

86) 160k

87) 230k

88) 330k

Abilities, What They Really Do! A MUST VIEW VIDEO!

by Mayzomatic, a 22 min Mutleaks breakdown

Secondary Position Players

Move “Specific“ Players to other positions With power ups for 500 training. See Slammers thread

Wheel of Luck (Trophies)

docMavvie pulled 58 Wheels, 50 of 58 were 3K or less.

Pack Odd Pulls GAP 500 Coins

Ducat0307 has a pack pull breakdown

Madden 20 Cheat Sheet

Great Starting out Link by Dbuckets

Abilities, X factors and Thresholds


JCSteele Thread on Team Chemistry

Theme Teams

You can use Theme Diamond power ups to get X3 original team chems without doing the set by buying them on AH.

List of Power up Players on Other Teams from M19 and M20


M20} penny’s

SukAtMut’s M20

M19} Blah’s- for reference

List of Power Up/ Mut Captain/Veterans and Legends players

Who Do I use my Power Up Pass On?

From NotStarLord

Twelve Free Packs

Hidden packs under exhibition tab on main screen. Skills Trainer has Twelve Free Packs. Skip the drills, they don’t offer packs. Do the rest! Save some time, some only need a bronze award to pay out. Lets be honest your getting silvers and golds. But many are getting power ups, a couple of elites and low Legend cards. It’s a mind numbing grind but it’s free stuff!

New To Mut?
Secret Madden Tips from Players

thread by Dudedakilla

Beginners Guide for 19 but this stuff applies to 20

I’m So Confused? What Does It All Mean? No Worries Bro! Read through this

Defense to Beat Solo Battles on Legendary or Any Challenge

Learning these adjustments, an 80 overall team can beat AI In Solo Battles on Legendary or any challenge.

1)Formation:Play: Nickle Double A Gap/Midblitz

2) Adjustment: Show Blitz (Not Press)

3) Bring Both Safeties Into Box Across From Their Defensive Coverage

4) User the Safety Covering The HB And Put Him On The Side The HB Is On. If HB Is Behind The QB, Put Safety Five Yards Over Center So He is Unblocked.

5) If you have a low overall and your playing a 93 QB and HB opponent it’s ok to play those on mvp level and get the 17K points. You have three extra games to make up the diference. Don’t waste your time with a loss!

If you have an idea let me know, I’ll check it out and give you credit.

Check Back for Updates Lets Grab Some Coins! Lets Go!

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