
NMS & 10 mil coins

iS tHaT enUfF fOr pRoMo? sHoULd i SeLL mY tEam? wHen dOes StuFF cRashzz?

but no seriously, its been great for us NMS guys this year. Hopefully the real xmas promo is better so I can cash in.


iS tHaT enUfF fOr pRoMo? sHoULd i SeLL mY tEam? wHen dOes StuFF cRashzz?

but no seriously, its been great for us NMS guys this year. Hopefully the real xmas promo is better so I can cash in.


Quote from WizDragonXbox >> Quote from ndalum32 >> Everything you do is amazing and you are perfect at everything.

i aspire to be you

hey WDX you forgot to end your post with WDX, so I'm not really sure if its really you WDX.


Quote from ndalum32 >> Everything you do is amazing and you are perfect at everything.

i aspire to be you


Quote from ndalum32 >> Everything you do is amazing and you are perfect at everything.

i aspire to be you

This is fax, congrats ur going in my sig. Quote from jlids12 >> Are you saying the game in general has been good for NMS players?  Or the Zero Chill program is good for NMS players

 Zero Chill is ass, game in general has been good to NMS, or atleast to me.


Are you saying the game in general has been good for NMS players?  Or the Zero Chill program is good for NMS players


Everything you do is amazing and you are perfect at everything.

i aspire to be you