Quote from googanaba >> Still confused on the Solo Battles and HR tie in. Will these be one event or separate events next week?
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from mokasthunder
Quote from mokasthunder >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from mokasthunder >> Thanks for that info Slammer!!! Seems like the defense will be the biggest issue in these Solo Battles, since we all spam Offense and Defense on these Solo Battles!!! Going to be pretty difficult in my mind...
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from mokasthunder >> Thanks for that info Slammer!!! Seems like the defense will be the biggest issue in these Solo Battles, since we all spam Offense and Defense on these Solo Battles!!! Going to be pretty difficult in my mind...
Yes sir anytime yeah i agree i have not done these this year myself there never worth the hassle so i just don't fool with them.Good luck to those that do though.
Quote from tribe585 >> Here is this morning's stream.
He talks about it at the 14:30 mark
Awesome thanks bud i missed it today had some home issues had going on all day.Thanks again bud.
Quote from SpartanSteel66 >> Quote from mokasthunder >> This could get tricky, as you wont be able to run the Punt Block Safe and Mid Blitz all game for defense.... Seems like it will be actually pretty time consuming and difficult...
I am 99.9% sure that special team punt plays didn't get included in the cool down and two play limit. If they are, this HR will be interesting.
Here is this morning's stream.
He talks about it at the 14:30 mark
Quote from mokasthunder >> Thanks for that info Slammer!!! Seems like the defense will be the biggest issue in these Solo Battles, since we all spam Offense and Defense on these Solo Battles!!! Going to be pretty difficult in my mind...
Yes sir anytime yeah i agree i have not done these this year myself there never worth the hassle so i just don't fool with them.Good luck to those that do though.
Thanks for that info Slammer!!! Seems like the defense will be the biggest issue in these Solo Battles, since we all spam Offense and Defense on these Solo Battles!!! Going to be pretty difficult in my mind...
This is from Mutheads Home page for this.
A new Team Captain Token can be earned under the Missions tab in Madden Ultimate Team to help upgrade your Captain. It's only available for a limited time, so get yours before Feb. 28th at 10 AM ET. If you are new to MUT and don't have a Captain yet, check out "Earn Your Team Captain" in the Welcome to Ultimate Team Missions to learn how to get one. You can earn today's latest Team Captain Token by adding your Team Captain to your lineup then winning 5 games.
Solo Battle House Rules Preview Coming this Monday, House Rules meets Solo Battles for an all-new week-long event! There will be limits and cooldowns like the last version of House Rules, while normal offensive TDs will be worth 4 points and offensive 20+ yd TDs will be worth 11 points. Since this is still a work in progress, details are subject to change before it debuts. Below is a preview of rewards that can be earned next week:
Quote from mokasthunder >> This could get tricky, as you wont be able to run the Punt Block Safe and Mid Blitz all game for defense.... Seems like it will be actually pretty time consuming and difficult...
I am 99.9% sure that special team punt plays didn't get included in the cool down and two play limit. If they are, this HR will be interesting.
They pick the one week I'll be gone Wed-sun to make solo battles relevant again.
Quote from googanaba >> Still confused on the Solo Battles and HR tie in. Will these be one event or separate events next week?
I don't believe anybody knows. Unlike the people here what I saw doesn't look like you get more than one card but a single card who's level is determined on what rank you get. However that was just based on the visual they showed and no explanation. It looked like the Legend HR tier was the normal legend tier plus a 94 Legend card but it was also more XP, I don't remember the number but remember thinking it probably just meant playing all games instead of 11.
Still confused on the Solo Battles and HR tie in. Will these be one event or separate events next week?
Would much rather snipe the cards since majority of people are going to do it and tank a lot
I think most difficult for those that grind for top 100 but still pretty damn tough to win all SB's with limited plays. I can recreate out of some formations on offense but defense is a whole other beast.
This could get tricky, as you wont be able to run the Punt Block Safe and Mid Blitz all game for defense.... Seems like it will be actually pretty time consuming and difficult...
Don't forget though, it appears as if we will have a cap on the plays we can call similar to the house rules from the super bowl promo. Given we cheese the hell out of plays for successful solo battles, this could end up being pretty difficult.
seems like from the stream if you get legend on HR next week you get a 94 UL player and the other tiers give out the remaining pieces? Did I see this correctly?