
Would it be worth it to do this? (Team advice)

I have every Raider power up, and my main squad has 40/50 Raiders. With the recent releases of Tatum, Howie, Osemele, Cooper, etc, I cant keep up anymore. So...... should I break down all my power ups and sell all the pieces except the most recently released versions of the players (ex. Keep 93 Osemele, but sell the 90, 84, and PU card)? Or just keep them and try to continue upgrading, but have to grind for a month straight just to get one player? There’s obvious pros and cons, like I won’t have my team chem at 40/50 anymore, can’t get ability chems, but will save sooooooo much coin. Looking for someone to back me up and tell me to sell it all off. I could make so much just breaking down Cooper and Osemele alone.

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