
First WL since MUT18 - conclusion

After the first WL since last MUT (won 16-18 games consistently there) I def know why I stayed and will stay away from online H2H in MUT19.  If the fluke plays, dice rolls and wild animations where considered bad in MUT18 then wow this game is definitely degenerating.  I could make a Chimpanse win 10-12 games in this WL just by spamming the good ol' dive/stretch combo and spamming the out of this world op spin move. As mentioned in another thread, in fact you don't need passing plays at all because RBK is on roids right now.

Every game I play I see major flaws with gameplay mechanics and AI like:

  • best FB in the game consistently running straight past his blocks, then turning around wondering whats going on
  • players on defense STILL swatting down EASY picks
  • HB getting hit in the head on table routes on 3/10 attempts 
  • Tyreek Hill pancaking Linebackers
  • Sprinting not working after a pick
  • Players moving to the LOS in slow-motion you sometimes almost run out of time after making your adjustments

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