Quote from elaurant0 >> there are that many non power ups that need this change 100 times more than a oop gimmick. i believe every player should have the team switch regardless of power up or not. however asking for this instead of other players makes you so out of touch and stupid it defies belief.
OPs point is that the card's team chem should be able to change just like powerups, and unless you're running a Cowboys team, you can't see same benefits you can for your CB Sanders. Several theme teams with limited options at positions (like WR for Ravens and Redskins with Deion's WR card or missing FBs for Falcons if Poe could change team chem) would benefit from this. I agree that all players, OOP or not, should be able to switch chems if previously on different teams rather than limiting it to a powerup requirement.
there are that many non power ups that need this change 100 times more than a oop gimmick. i believe every player should have the team switch regardless of power up or not. however asking for this instead of other players makes you so out of touch and stupid it defies belief.
Ok, at least we can use both.
The reason we can't chane teams is he doesn't have a power up. I understand the desire to change the team & logic behind it but there are many player who fall under this category.
Perhaps next year they can look into adding an option where we can pay training to change teams (based on history) for cards without power ups.
you can have the cb version and the wr version on the same team BUT CANNOT change team chem on the WR
Yep all players should have the ability to change their team chem. This is something they have to add next year.
Quote from Psully >> I really think they should give us a way to change his team chem since hes only a 90 ovr. Dont get me wrong the new deion is a big upgrade over 80 ovr john brown and 82 crabtree but it would have made this deion really usable with my ravens team chem and ravens passing chem. Also sucks that people with cowboys chems are the only ones who can really chem him up when he played for like 5 teams.
Last year’s Deion WR was a Falcon. As a Cowboy, I’m happy this year, but I agree. All players should be able to switch chems to whatever teams they’ve been on. Would be easy and you’d see fun theme teams all over.
Would also be valuable for Dontari Poe and others where switching team chems (Panthers to Falcons) fills an otherwise missing position for that team
Quote from Rharris15 >> are you sure you cant change the chem? someone made a previous post that you could
All the posts I've seen have said that you cannot
are you sure you cant change the chem? someone made a previous post that you could
I agree. Especially for Ravens and Redskins where the WR options are lacking, he would be a huge upgrade. Even more reason to do so since you can change his CB team chem via power up.
Yes that would be very cool! Give him the prime time chem again if you have both like they did once before, and allow you to set the team preference through that chem would be great.
I really think they should give us a way to change his team chem since hes only a 90 ovr. Dont get me wrong the new deion is a big upgrade over 80 ovr john brown and 82 crabtree but it would have made this deion really usable with my ravens team chem and ravens passing chem. Also sucks that people with cowboys chems are the only ones who can really chem him up when he played for like 5 teams.
I really think they should give us a way to change his team chem since hes only a 90 ovr. Dont get me wrong the new deion is a big upgrade over 80 ovr john brown and 82 crabtree but it would have made this deion really usable with my ravens team chem and ravens passing chem. Also sucks that people with cowboys chems are the only ones who can really chem him up when he played for like 5 teams.