Man my luck in one hour was better than it has been in my life in mut I got the 1.2 mil from those plat packs and then turned 70 and got totw Goff and the pass. This is how they hook you
Farmed this one
main : 330
farm 1 : 700
farm 2 : 500
net total + 1 mil after deducting the value of the heavyweights I sold for TP but worth doing and not selling outright
I made 1 million coins on the dot. I only used players off my bench that’s been sitting, so it’s all profit.
89 Rodgers = 470,000 88 Tyron Smith = 330,000 86 = 160,000 82 = 40,000
Don’t remember who they were, but it was an 87, 82, and two 80s not great, but still probally worth what 4000 training costs.
83, 84, 84, 84. sniped an 89 for 29k and spent 65k on another 89, so still made coins.
and since I was online I did the daily real quick...250,000 coins. best pull from that daily in 2 years. nice profit for 30 minutes.
Is this pack still up? And for how much longer? I’m still at work for another few hours
Just the one pull, and it was an 80. Still, 20k more than I had considering I started 2 days ago. I can always get those training points back down the line.
Im excited to do these! Have more than enough TP to take a chance!! How’d y’all do? I’ll post shortly!!!
EDIT: Thankful they didn’t make these a limited supply! I got seriously lucky!
89 Aaron Rodgers - QS’ed so fast I kinda only saw 400K+! 87 Russell Wilson - 230K 87 David Johnson - 230K 82 Cody Whitehair - 40K
4000TP = ~900K!!! Wow!!!