
New Julio

Looks pretty nice! Thankful I saved most of my kindling to try and pull him tomorrow! Worst case I offer 95 Calvin for him

Oh and Happy New Year’s your you all!!!


Will probably use my power up


Quote from Lukestrot >> Quote from iSuNkIZt >> Quote from Lukestrot >> Looks pretty nice! Thankful I saved most of my kindling to try and pull him tomorrow! Worst case I offer 95 Calvin for him


Quote from iSuNkIZt >> Quote from Lukestrot >> Looks pretty nice! Thankful I saved most of my kindling to try and pull him tomorrow! Worst case I offer 95 Calvin for him

Oh and Happy New Year’s your you all!!!

 He's the set reward. You'll have to build him

 Ah ok. Thought I saw he was a 95


Yeah as a 95 it looks like there will be 9 new cards tomorrow (3 past 3 present and 3 future) to get the 3 they showed today as Set Masters.


Quote from Lukestrot >> Looks pretty nice! Thankful I saved most of my kindling to try and pull him tomorrow! Worst case I offer 95 Calvin for him

Oh and Happy New Year’s your you all!!!

 He's the set reward. You'll have to build him