Quote from Trapstar916 >> Feels bad conference championship too! My 3-4 edge sting/3-4 bear stood no chance. Any advice on how to stop this jazz? I came out in goalline once and he ran for 83 yds
I think that was me sorry about that I needed the win.
I want to predominantly have a passing offense but Madden just doesn’t allow it this year. I win about 90% of my games when I run goalline but only about 60% when I try to pass. Until EA fixes their game run heavy is the way to go.
There is no one D that stops goalline. The only way to stop it is to have DDA in your favor.
Quote from Khaos116 >> Quote from MikeVickGT101 >> EA scripts games remember that.
Nah.....that's just for people that need excuses for when they lose.
Scripting the game isn't the right word but DDA is real. It's an option offline when you're playing against someone: one person can be playing on All-Pro and one person can be playing on All-Madden.That is literally Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment.
Quote from phague >> Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> Quote from Dolphinator91
Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> Quote from Dolphinator91 >> Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander
Quote from nicksr84 >> Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> Quote from Dolphinator91
Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> Quote from Dolphinator91 >> Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander
Quote from Trapstar916 >> Feels bad conference championship too! My 3-4 edge sting/3-4 bear stood no chance. Any advice on how to stop this jazz? I came out in goalline once and he ran for 83 yds
Well, it happened tto me a few months back so don't beat yyourself up brother. Just a sorry excuse for a game.
Yeah that's a little rough. Then again, Madden isn't suppose to be a simulation of football, but arcadey with horrible game plans
Quote from MikeVickGT101 >> EA scripts games remember that.
Nah.....that's just for people that need excuses for when they lose.
Quote from Dolphinator91 >> Quote from jordandk2 >> 3-4 odd show blitz spread lbs blitz lbs walk both OLBs outside of the OL user weak side safety. Can run any shell behind it, works for my 85 OVR lions D and I get 18-20 WL wins.
idk works for me but everyone is different.
How do you have time for those adjustments plus two manual player relocations? How often do you get caught while setting it up?
if they come out in goaline, i come out in goaline 5-4-2. Sub in best man CBs. Spread LBs, slant DL toward strong side.
Quote from Dolphinator91 >> Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> 5-2, fire zone 2, base align, blitz line backers, press, hard flat, spread d line, shuts down any run pretty much
That is quite risky against the pass, though, but against goal line formation I bet it is effective.
I mix in cover 2 and 3 aswell. The cover 2 play works well against the run aswell, with that I do the same thing except I reset the line backer coverage so it looks like I’m blitzing and then the 2 LBs and DE drop into zones. Messes people up. It’s rare I need to come out of 5-2 in a game. I always base align so the cover 3 looks like a cover 2. Between those 3 plays and a couple of other blitz plays I manage to cover most things.
Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> 5-2, fire zone 2, base align, blitz line backers, press, hard flat, spread d line, shuts down any run pretty much
That is quite risky against the pass, though, but against goal line formation I bet it is effective.
Quote from jordandk2 >> 3-4 odd show blitz spread lbs blitz lbs walk both OLBs outside of the OL user weak side safety. Can run any shell behind it, works for my 85 OVR lions D and I get 18-20 WL wins.
idk works for me but everyone is different.
How do you have time for those adjustments plus two manual player relocations? How often do you get caught while setting it up?
Quote from MikeVickGT101 >> EA scripts games remember that.
Sometimes I feel that way man. But I gotta believe that one could fight through the tough breaks. I know I’ve won games I’ve had no business winning and lost games in ways that are hard to fathom
Quote from Jesse102999 >> Gotta love madden where people can run goal line as a primary
Yea man. Probably the only game I lost all year that just felt dirty to lose.
3-4 odd show blitz spread lbs blitz lbs walk both OLBs outside of the OL user weak side safety. Can run any shell behind it, works for my 85 OVR lions D and I get 18-20 WL wins.
idk works for me but everyone is different.
Feels bad conference championship too! My 3-4 edge sting/3-4 bear stood no chance. Any advice on how to stop this jazz? I came out in goalline once and he ran for 83 yds