
Looking for a Clan.


I am the worst madden player ever, so i cannot contribute in any way than boosting your confidence in a match. 

Im looking for a new community after my old clan didnt respond for months and it looks like they're done with muthead and madden. Tried reaching out a lot of times without response. So i dont want to be portrayed as a clan jumper, which im not. Dunno what it requires these days. I just want people to play squads with, talk football or lab in the weekends etc. Im a pretty busy guy coaching U-16 football(soccer) and work fulltime. Also im European. 

Im active during daytime (morning US) at work on Muthead, afternoons and evenings im available on PSN when im logged on. 

FYI I dont know why its only showing 700+ posts when i have roughly 2-3 thousand. Because of the Twitch log in thing i lost some things, also was inactive for madden 19. Im back on Madden 20 now.

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