
New Years curry?

is he auctionable and has anyone tried selling him and if so what did the ah bot allow it to go for

lol I only have 2.5 mil I'm broke

Quote from glenball18 >> Quote from hearasler >> There is one in AH1 not selling for 19.5 mil for 20min so 15/16 is a good price for the bot

If its in the ah for 19mil the not allowed that price

 LOL 19 mil, if i didnt spend my coins for set 1 i would actually buy him now

Guys can somebody tell me how to know if my player is accepted for selling ? I know its off topic, but i dont want to make another only for this question.

Quote from hearasler >> There is one in AH1 not selling for 19.5 mil for 20min so 15/16 is a good price for the bot

If its in the ah for 19mil the not allowed that price


There is one in AH1 not selling for 19.5 mil for 20min so 15/16 is a good price for the bot


He is auctionable but he's too good to sell


is he auctionable and has anyone tried selling him and if so what did the ah bot allow it to go for