Hello my name is Brayden and I must say I am extremely intrigued by this site, I checked it out a couple years ago to open virtual packs while in 8th grade class bored out of my mind but never rly got into the whole posting thing. However I heard from a few friends it's a great place to learn new strats and other great info about madden so I just had to hop right on and sign up Also I would also appreciate it if any of the newcomers would dm me and maybe help develop our knowledge of the site together. Happy gaming and thanks for this great opportunity.
Hello my name is Brayden and I must say I am extremely intrigued by this site, I checked it out a couple years ago to open virtual packs while in 8th grade class bored out of my mind but never rly got into the whole posting thing. However I heard from a few friends it's a great place to learn new strats and other great info about madden so I just had to hop right on and sign up Also I would also appreciate it if any of the newcomers would dm me and maybe help develop our knowledge of the site together. Happy gaming and thanks for this great opportunity.